Our centre offers a range of facilities and amenities to support individuals in their journey towards recovery. These facilities include
Our centre offers a range of facilities and amenities to support individuals in their journey towards recovery. These facilities include.
Comfortable living quarters for clients. These accommodations can...
Equipped for individual counselling, group therapy sessions, and...
Nutritious meals are prepared by experienced chefs or...
Access to a local gym for physical fitness and wellness activities...
Access to outdoor spaces like gardens, courtyards, or natural...
Recreational amenities such as a meditation area and an outdoor...
Spaces for support group meetings, family therapy, and educational...
Private rooms and exclusive amenities for clients seeking a higher...
Meditation area, yoga, and areas for mindfulness and relaxation...
Acupuncture and massage therapy.
A place for family visits and sessions with loved ones.
A team of trained professionals is available around the clock to...